Land and Buildings Tax in Thailand

Land and Buildings Tax in Thailand

The new Land and Buildings Tax Act has been in effect since January 1, 2020. This tax replaces the previous taxes that were essentially income taxes on rent, rather than a property tax.


The taxpayers of the land and building tax are the owners, holders, and users of land and buildings, including apartments in condominiums.

Tax Base

The tax base for the land and building tax is the appraised value of the land, buildings, or condominium apartments, determined according to the Land Code.

For land and buildings without an appraised value, the value is determined in accordance with the rules, procedures, and conditions set by the ministry’s acts.

Maximum Tax Rates

The tax rates for land and buildings will be set by Royal Decrees but shall not exceed the following maximum rates:

Purpose of Land and BuildingsMaximum Tax Rate
Agricultural use0.15%
Residential use0.3%
Other uses1.2%
Unused/unoccupied properties1.2% (*)
Maximum tax rates

(*) For land or buildings that are idle (not used) for three consecutive years, the rate will increase by 0.3% every three years, up to a maximum rate of 3%.

Land and Buildings Tax Rates

Agricultural Land and Buildings

ValueTax Rate
1 million – 75 million baht0.01%
76 million – 100 million baht0.03%
101 million – 500 million baht0.05%
501 million – 1 billion baht0.07%
> 1 billion baht0.1%
Tax rates: Agricultural land and buildings

Individual owners of agricultural land or buildings are exempt from tax for 2020-2023.

Residential Land and Buildings Owned by Individuals Registered in the House Book

ValueTax Rate
1 million – 25 million baht0.03%
26 million – 50 million baht0.05%
> 50 million baht0.1%
Tax rates: Residential Land and Buildings Owned by Individuals Registered in the House Book

Residential Buildings Owned by Individuals Registered in the House Book

ValueTax Rate
1 million – 40 million baht0.02%
41 million – 65 million baht0.03%
66 million – 90 million baht0.05%
> 90 million baht0.1%
Tax rates: Residential Buildings Owned by Individuals Registered in the House Book

Residential Land or Buildings Not Specified Above

ValueTax Rate
1 million – 50 million baht0.02%
51 million – 75 million baht0.03%
76 million – 100 million baht0.05%
> 100 million baht0.1%

Land or Buildings for Other Uses

ValueTax Rate
1 million – 50 million baht0.3%
51 million – 200 million baht0.4%
201 million – 1,000 million baht0.5%
1,001 million – 5,000 million baht0.6%
> 5,000 million baht 

Unused Land or Buildings

ValueTax Rate
1 million – 50 million baht0.3%
51 million – 200 million baht0.4%
201 million – 1,000 million baht0.5%
1,001 million – 5,000 million baht0.6%
> 5,000 million baht 

Tax Deductions

Type of PropertyNon-Taxable Value
Agricultural land and buildings owned by individualsUp to 50 million baht
Residential land and buildings owned by individuals registered in the house book on January 1 of the reporting yearUp to 50 million baht
Residential buildings owned by individuals registered in the house book on January 1 of the reporting year, but the land is owned by another personUp to 10 million baht

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